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...may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message. Guideline 4.0 - Design Your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app, but the update button or alert does not link directly to the app’s page on the App Store. Please see attached screensh...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171221
...20-12-10 19:03:48.110664+0800 layabox[1694:38272] *** -[CFString release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x600001940000 2020-12-10 0 0 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 nothing 赞同来自: 把 官方教程里面的 设置背景颜色方法 像这样 给一个 返回值,就重现bug 崩溃了.. +(N...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20201209
...ket.on(Laya.Event.OPEN, this, this.openHandler); this.socket.on(Laya.Event.MESSAGE, this, this.receiveHandler); this.socket.on(Laya.Event.CLOSE, this, this.closeHandler); this.socket.on(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, this.errorHandler); // this.socket.send("hello world");//#################################...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180211
... let err = new Error("自定义的Error"); Laya.Browser.window.onerror(err.message, "", "", "", err); 运行时,就会弹窗抛出异常,效果如图1-16所示。 (图1-16) 1.4.4 显示2D物理调试 在LayaAir IDE中,如果给2D节点添加了物理属性(刚体、碰撞盒等),此...
来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20241014
...的代码如下: error(err, pos) { if (typeof err === 'string') err = { message: err }; if (pos) augmentCodeLocation(err, pos, curSource, id); err.id = id; err.hook = 'transform'; // return pluginContext.error(err); },该方法虽然可以解决 tslib 找不到的问题,并且编译后输出的...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20201223
...handleCallback(Handler.java:790) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46) 201...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181126
...on device huawei-mha_al00-3HX0217401012320 Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page. I/om.layabox.tes: Reinit property: dalvik.vm.checkjni= false D/ZrHung.AppEyeUiProbe: AppEyeUIP created. ...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190723
...a.supported() === false) { alert("当前浏览器不支持"); } else { showMessage(); var options = { audio: true, video: { facingMode: { exact: "environment" }, // 后置摄像头,默认值就是,不设至也可以。 width: Laya.stage.width, height: Laya.stage.height } }; Laya.Media.getMedia(o...
来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210714
...ayabox.game Connecting to com.layabox.game Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page. D/dalvikvm: Late-enabling CheckJNI W/ActivityThread: Application com.layabox.game is waiting for the deb...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171218
...upported() === false){ alert("当前浏览器不支持"); } else{ this.showMessage(); var options:any = { audio:true, video:{ facingMode: { exact: "environment" }, // 后置摄像头,默认值就是,不设至也可以。 width: Laya.stage.width, height:Laya.stage.height } }; Laya.Media.getMedia(...
来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715