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...m3D](https://layaair.ldc.layabox.com/api2/Chinese/index.html?category=Core&class=laya.d3.core.Transform3D)API),他在3D的世界中非常的重要,所有有关显示对象变化的都会用到他。 在示例代码中已经用到了移动(translate),旋转(rotate)这两种变换,并且...
来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210714
...oader = Laya.Loader; import Handler = Laya.Handler; export class Loader_MultipleType { private ROBOT_DATA_PATH: string = "res/swf/star.swf"; private ROBOT_DATA_PATHS: string = "res/swf/star.json"; private ROBOT_TEXTURE_PATH: string = "res/swf/star.png"...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180203
API DocumentationAll Packages | All Classes | Index | Frames No Frames MeshTerrainSprite3DProperties | Methods | Events | Constants Packagelaya.d3.coreClasspublic class MeshTerrainSprite3DInheritanceMeshTerrainSprite3D MeshSprite3D RenderableSprite3D Sprite3D ComponentNode Node EventDispa...
来源: laya_api 发布时间: 20170929
...f undefined Wechat Lib:2.0.1, 2018.4.14 12:32:36 code.js:107 Warning!,this class[MiniAdpter] already exist: {init: ƒ} WAGame.js:3 gameThirdScriptError Cannot read property 'USER_DATA_PATH' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'USER_DATA_PATH' of undefined at Function.MiniFileMgr.setNa...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180524
API DocumentationAll Packages | All Classes | Index | Frames No Frames GridSpriteProperties | Methods | Events Packagelaya.mapClasspublic class GridSpriteInheritanceGridSprite Sprite Node EventDispatcher Object 地图的每层都会分块渲染处理 本类就是地图的块数据 Public P...
来源: Laya2.0_api 发布时间: 20190513
..."../data/ConfigInfo"; import { ui } from "../ui/layaMaxUI"; export default class RuleDialog extends ui.scene.RuleDialogUI { private m_index: number = -1; private m_downValue: number = -1; constructor() { super(); this.list_rule.hScrollBarSkin = ""; this.list_rule.renderHandler = new Laya.Handler(thi...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180724
... this, this.onPauseBtnClick); this.reset(); } Laya.class(GameInfo, "GameInfo", _super); var _proto = GameInfo.prototype; _proto.reset = function(){ this.infoLabel.text = ""; this.hp(5); this.level(0); this.score(0); ...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170416
...u Globals "laya/d3/resource/MulSampleRenderTexture" MulSampleRenderTexture Class MulSampleRenderTexture MulSampleRenderTexture类用于创建多重采样渲染目标 webGL2.0多重采样才会生效 Hierarchy RenderTexture MulSampleRenderTexture Implements IRenderTarget Index Constructors constructo...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231102
Cannot read property 'rayCast' of undefined export default class indexscene extends Laya.Script { constructor(){ super(); this.rotation = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.01, 0); this.point = new Laya.Vector2(); this.ray = new Laya.Ray(new Laya.Vector3(),new Laya.Vector3()); //1.开启第四个参数 let conf...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200903
...m3D](https://layaair.ldc.layabox.com/api2/Chinese/index.html?category=Core&class=laya.d3.core.Transform3D)API),他在3D的世界中非常的重要,所有有关显示对象变化的都会用到他。 在示例代码中已经用到了移动(translate),旋转(rotate)这两种变换,并且...
来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715