大约有 1,482 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,936 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0077 秒)
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...NativeOBJ/NativeBaseRenderNode.ts:60 Accessors bounds get bounds(): Bounds set bounds(value: Bounds): void Defined in laya/d3/RenderObjs/NativeOBJ/NativeBaseRenderNode.ts:52 Returns Bounds Defined in laya/d3/RenderObjs/NativeOBJ/NativeBaseRenderNode.ts:55 Parameters value: Bounds Returns void bounds...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
typeScript 在interface 接口中怎么用get set function get time():Number; function set time(value:Number):void; 类似于as3 中的这种写法。 2017-10-17 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 已邀请: 与内容相关的链接 提交 1 个回复 Mon...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171017
...ties _extra _ownGraphics _scene _skinBaseUrl _url autoSize hitTestPrior mouseThrough name tag drawtocanvCtx Accessors _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy alpha anchorX anchorY bgColor blendMode bottom cacheAs centerX centerY components content customRenderEnable dataSource destroyed di...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...ties _extra _ownGraphics _scene _skinBaseUrl _url autoSize hitTestPrior mouseThrough name tag drawtocanvCtx Accessors _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy align alpha anchorX anchorY bgColor blendMode bottom cacheAs centerX centerY components customRenderEnable dataSource destroyed disa...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...ties _extra _ownGraphics _scene _skinBaseUrl _url autoSize hitTestPrior mouseThrough name selectHandler tag drawtocanvCtx Accessors _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy alpha anchorX anchorY bgColor blendMode bottom cacheAs centerX centerY components customRenderEnable dataSource destro...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...ties _extra _ownGraphics _scene _skinBaseUrl _url autoSize hitTestPrior mouseThrough name tag drawtocanvCtx Accessors _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy alpha anchorX anchorY bgColor blendMode bottom cacheAs centerX centerY components customRenderEnable dataSource destroyed disabled d...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
关于get/set重写问题 1.x中使用方法Laya.getset,2.x中应该使用哪个方法呢static getset(isStatic:Boolean, target:any, name:String, getter:Function, setter:Function):void; 2020-11-18 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 已邀请: 与内容...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20201118
...ties _extra _ownGraphics _scene _skinBaseUrl _url autoSize hitTestPrior mouseThrough name tag drawtocanvCtx Accessors _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy alpha anchorX anchorY bgColor blendMode bottom cacheAs centerX centerY components customRenderEnable dataSource destroyed disabled d...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
Cannot set property text of #<Button> which has only a getter Cannot set property text of #<Button> which has only a getter 2020-08-11 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 已邀请: 与内容相关的链接 提交 0 个回复 为什么被折叠...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200811
...ties _extra _ownGraphics _scene _skinBaseUrl _url autoSize hitTestPrior mouseThrough name tag BOTTOM MIDDLE NONE TOP drawtocanvCtx Accessors _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy align alpha anchorX anchorY bgColor blendMode bottom cacheAs centerX centerY components customRenderEnable da...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115