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...改一个属性的值不会影响其他属性。 Hierarchy Rectangle Index Constructors constructor Properties height width x y TEMP Accessors bottom right Methods addPoint clone contains copyFrom equals intersection intersects isEmpty recover reset setTo toString union create Constructors construct...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
... 类用于创建全屏三角形。 Hierarchy Resource ScreenTriangle Index Constructors constructor Properties destoryedImmediately lock name url uuid DEBUG Accessors cpuMemory destroyed gpuMemory id obsolute referenceCount cpuMemory gpuMemory Methods _addReference _clearReference _removeReference _...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231102
...Cannot read property 'cursor' of undefined错误 Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor Component cannot be invoked without 'new' 关于graphics.drawTexture方法设置纹理报错TypeError: texture.getIsReady is not a function 升级到2.2.0Beta报错Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor Sprite cann...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181210
...urce Class TextResource 文字资源 Hierarchy Resource TextResource Index Constructors constructor Properties _id data destroyedImmediately format lock name url uuid DEBUG Accessors cpuMemory destroyed gpuMemory id obsolute referenceCount cpuMemory gpuMemory Methods _addReference _clearReference _r...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...x3 类用于创建3x3矩阵。 Hierarchy Matrix3x3 Implements IClone Index Constructors constructor Properties elements DEFAULT Methods clone cloneTo determinant identity invert rotate scale translate transpose createFromMatrix4x4 createFromRotation createFromScaling createFromTranslation createRota...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...nent Light SpotLightCom DirectionLightCom PointLightCom AreaLightCom Index Constructors constructor Properties _extra _singleton color owner runInEditor scriptPath Accessors awaked destroyed enabled hideFlags id intensity lightWorldMatrix lightmapBakedType shadowDepthBias shadowDistance shadowMode s...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...ner 类用来描述输入设备 Hierarchy EventDispatcher WebXRInput Index Constructors constructor Properties _lastXRPose gamepadAxis gamepadButton handness lastXRPose position ray rotation EVENT_FRAMEUPDATA_WEBXRINPUT HANDNESS_LEFT HANDNESS_RIGHT Methods addAxisEvent addButtonEvent destroy event h...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...ntroller2D 2D动画控制器 Hierarchy Resource AnimatorController2D Index Constructors constructor Properties _id destroyedImmediately lock name url uuid DEBUG Accessors cpuMemory destroyed gpuMemory id obsolute referenceCount cpuMemory gpuMemory Methods _addReference _clearReference _removeReferen...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...ss AtlasResource 大图合集资源 Hierarchy Resource AtlasResource Index Constructors constructor Properties _id destroyedImmediately dir frames lock name textures url uuid DEBUG Accessors cpuMemory destroyed gpuMemory id obsolute referenceCount cpuMemory gpuMemory Methods _addReference _clearRefe...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...mponent PhysicsComponent PhysicsTriggerComponent CharacterController Index Constructors constructor Properties _extra _singleton canScaleShape owner runInEditor scriptPath Accessors awaked canCollideWith ccdMotionThreshold ccdSweptSphereRadius colliderShape collisionGroup destroyed enabled friction ...
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115