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大约有 4,000 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,724 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0079 秒)

451. 在开启webgl模式下,每次运行texture类的getPixels方法内存都会增加 [ 93%]

...背景色 Laya.stage.bgColor = "#ffffff" Laya.Stat.show() //资源路径 this.Res = "test.png"; this.img = new Laya.Image(); this.img.pos(200, 200) //获取图片资源,绘制到画布 this.img.skin = this.Res //添加到舞台 Laya.stage.addChild(this.img); } private cacheCanvas: Laya.HTMLCanvas ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171211

452. 3d文字在浏览器能正常运行,打包后使用时会报错 [ 93%]

...ngContext":No function was found that matched the signature provided   在this.texture2D.loadImageSource(this.cav);报错   this.cav = Laya.Browser.createElement("canvas"); this.cav.width = 256; this.cav.height = 256;  var cxt = this.cav.getContext("2d"); cxt.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + '220' + ',' + '5...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200714

453. List中放TextInput,当list滚动的时候,复用会有问题,input中的内容会乱,尤其有输入框focus的情况下 [ 93%]

...ui.TextInput; var WID = 373, HEI = 30; function Item() { Item.__super.call(this); this.size(WID, HEI); this.img = new Image(); this.addChild(this.img); this.img.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, WID, HEI - 2, "#eeeeee"); this.label = new Label(); this.addChild(this.label); this.input = new TextInput(); this.a...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180312

454. ide跑没问题,安卓包跑报错 [ 93%]

...:bodyArr: Array<Sprite> = [] 被调用的函数 bodyCheck() { if (this.bodyArr.length <= 0) return; if (this.eatBean >= this.bodyBeanNum && this.bodyArr.length < this.bodyMaxNum) { let addBodyNum = Math.floor(this.eatBean / this.bodyBeanNum) let x = this.bodyArr[this.bodyArr...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180601

455. timer.loop里面修改Text.text在微信小程序上用iPhone打开出现闪屏 [ 93%]

...改Text.text在微信小程序上用iPhone打开出现闪屏 如题,  this.myTest = new Laya.Text() this.myTest.pos(0, 0) this.myTest.size(100, 100) this.myTest.fontSize = 13 this.myTest.color = "#ffffff" this.myTest.align = "center" this.addChild(this.myTest) this.timer.loop(10, this, this.timer...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190129

456. Button销毁时,未对_clickHandler进行回收 [ 93%]

... 源代码: destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(); this._text && this._text.destroy(destroyChild); this._bitmap = null; this._text = null; this._clickHandler = null; this._labelColors = this._sources = this._strokeColors ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200514

457. 动画混合问题,Avatar动画混合报错. [ 93%]

....Sprite3D = null;  public animator:Laya.Animator = null;  public Init(){ this.sprite = this.owner as Laya.Sprite3D; this.animator = this.sprite.getComponent(Laya.Animator) as Laya.Animator; console.log("11"); }  public RoleMove(dir:Laya.Vector3) { let norDir:Laya.Vector3 = Laya.Vector3.ZERO; Laya...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20191026

458. 3D物体检测到碰撞后,被碰撞物被移除的时候过30秒再次出现?并添加到舞台 [ 93%]

...后删除对方。 PlayerMove.prototype.onTriggerStay = function (other) { this.tsizex = this.box._components[0]._transformOrientedBoundBox.extents.x; this.tsizez = this.box._components[0]._transformOrientedBoundBox.extents.z; this.osizex = other._transformOrientedBoundBox.extents.x; this.osizez = o...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181017

459. websocket无法连接 [ 93%]

websocket无法连接 this.socket = new Laya.Socket(); //这里我们采用大端 this.socket.endian = Laya.Byte.BIG_ENDIAN; this.socket.connectByUrl("ws://"+host+":"+port+"/hoopster"); //建立连接 this.socket.on(Laya.Event.OPEN, this, onOpen); this.socket.on(Laya.Event.MESSAGE, this, onReceive)...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180312

460. 其他引擎的Demo-Example_23 [ 93%]

...ture Laya.stage.loadImage("res/pixi/laserBG.jpg"); Laya.stage.frameLoop(1, this, this.animate); } animate() { const Sprite = Laya.Sprite, Point = Laya.Point; let laser; if (tick > frequency) { tick = 0; // iterate through the dudes and update the positions laser = new Sprite(); laser.loadImage("res/...

来源: Laya2.0_示例 发布时间: 20241002