大约有 4,034 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,903 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0088 秒)
Laya_社区(3264) Laya2.0_文档(296) Laya_示例(141) Laya2.0_示例(117) Laya3.0_文档(107) Laya3.0_api(94) Laya2.0_api(9) laya_api(6)
...{ function FactionListItem(data) { FactionListItem.super(this); this.updateLvAndPeopleCount(); this.updateLvAndPeopleCount = function(){ //----- } } Laya.class(FactionListItem,"FactionListItem",FactionMainNode...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171127
...([{ url: "res/ui/LoadProgress.fui", type: Loader.BUFFER }], Handler.create(this, this.loadProgress)) this.token = token; } public loadProgress() { this.progressUI = UIBase.create(LoadProgress.UI_LoadProgress, "LoadProgress", LoadProgress.LoadProgressBinder.bindAll) this.progressUI.UIMenu.value = 0.0...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171204
...不上?按照官方案例 //初始化引擎 Laya.init(600,400,Laya.WebGL); this.byte = new Laya.Byte(); //这里我们采用小端 this.byte.endian = Laya.Byte.LITTLE_ENDIAN; this.socket = new Laya.Socket(); //这里我们采用小端 this.socket.endian = Laya.Byte.LITTLE_ENDIAN; //建立连接 this...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180125
...ALL; Laya.stage.bgColor = "#232628"; Laya.loader.load(skin, Handler.create(this, this.onColorPickerSkinLoaded)); } onColorPickerSkinLoaded() { const ColorPicker = Laya.ColorPicker, Handler = Laya.Handler; let colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.selectedColor = "#ff0033"; colorPicker.skin = ...
来源: Laya2.0_示例 发布时间: 20250224
...r tileY = mapLayer.getTileDataByScreenPos(screenX, screenY); // var data = this.tiledMap.getLayerByIndex(3).getTileData(tileX, tileY); // console.log(data) // console.log(Laya.Keyboard.RIGHT) switch (e.keyCode) { //右边 case 39: { this.player.x += 16 break; } case 37: { //左边 this.player.x -= 1...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20230605
...现的这是代码 //swf动画 createSWFAnimoton(strSWF,strImg,state):any{ this.swfAni = new Laya.MovieClip(); this.swfAni.load(strSWF,true,strImg); this.swfAni.x = (Laya.stage.width -1900) / 2; this.swfAni.y = (Laya.stage.height - 1200) / 2; this.swfAni.zOrder = 3; this.swfAni.loop = false; this.sw...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170505
js执行once时如何改变执行域 _proto.onMsgCallBack = function () { this.kwxSocket.OnMessageCallBack=function(msg){ console.log("回调"+msg); var dataTemp = JSON.parse(msg); console.log(dataTemp.d); kwxGame.prototype.cardData = dataTemp.d; [b][i]Laya.timer.once(1000, this, this.onOncePiao); ...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170419
...aya.stage.loadImage("../../res/pixi/laserBG.jpg"); Laya.stage.frameLoop(1, this, animate); })(); function animate() { if (tick > frequency) { tick = 0; // iterate through the dudes and update the positions var laser = new Sprite(); laser.loadImage("../../res/pixi/laser0" + ((type % 5) + 1) + ".png")...
来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20250224
...enMode = Laya.Stage.SCREEN_NONE; Laya.Stat.show(); this.tmpVector = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0, 0); this.scene = Laya.stage.addChild(new Laya.Scene3D()); //初始化照相机 let camera = this.scene.addChild(new Laya.Camera(0, 0.1, 100)); ...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20201127
...xLoader = 1; Laya.loader.load("../../res/apes/monkey2.png", Handler.create(this, onAssetLoaded), null, null, 0, false); Laya.loader.load("../../res/apes/monkey1.png", Handler.create(this, onAssetLoaded), null, null, 1, false); Laya.loader.load("../../res/apes/monkey0.png", Handler.create(this, onAss...
来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20250224