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大约有 872 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,724 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0053 秒)

611. laya.physics.joint.WeldJoint_API3.0 [ 49%]

...ernals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/physics/joint/WeldJoint" WeldJoint Class WeldJoint 焊接关节:焊接关节的用途是使两个物体不能相对运动,受到关节的限制,两个刚体的相对位置和角度都保持不变,看上去像一个整体 Hierarchy JointBase WeldJoint I...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

612. laya.d3.math.Matrix3x3_API3.0 [ 49%]

...ed Externals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/d3/math/Matrix3x3" Matrix3x3 Class Matrix3x3 Matrix3x3 类用于创建3x3矩阵。 Hierarchy Matrix3x3 Implements IClone Index Constructors constructor Properties elements DEFAULT Methods clone cloneTo determinant identity invert rotate scale translate t...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231102

613. laya.physics.joint.MouseJoint_API3.0 [ 49%]

...nals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/physics/joint/MouseJoint" MouseJoint Class MouseJoint 鼠标关节:鼠标关节用于通过鼠标来操控物体。它试图将物体拖向当前鼠标光标的位置。而在旋转方面就没有限制。 Hierarchy JointBase MouseJoint Index Constructors cons...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

614. laya.physics.ColliderBase_API3.0 [ 49%]

...ernals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/physics/ColliderBase" ColliderBase Class ColliderBase 碰撞体基类 Hierarchy Component ColliderBase BoxCollider ChainCollider CircleCollider EdgeCollider PolygonCollider Index Constructors constructor Properties _extra _singleton fixture label owner rigidBo...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

615. laya.d3.physicscannon.CannonPhysicsComponent_API3.0 [ 49%]

...bals "laya/d3/physicsCannon/CannonPhysicsComponent" CannonPhysicsComponent Class CannonPhysicsComponent PhysicsComponent 类用于创建物理组件的父类。 Hierarchy Component CannonPhysicsComponent CannonPhysicsTriggerComponent Index Constructors constructor Properties _extra _singleton canSca...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231102

616. laya2.0 IDE继承自定义类要怎么写? [ 49%]

...自定义类要怎么写? 比如我有这样一个基类 export default class UIBase extends Laya.View{} 然后在编译界面按F9 添加UIbase到 场景类型里面,这样在创建新的场景的时候就会有UIBase可以继承,但生成的LayaMaxUI.ts文件会报错,请问下我还需要...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181208

617. laya.utils.TimeLine_API3.0 [ 49%]

...erited Externals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/utils/TimeLine" TimeLine Class TimeLine TimeLine 是一个用来创建时间轴动画的类。 Hierarchy EventDispatcher TimeLine Index Properties scale Accessors total Methods addLabel destroy event from gotoLabel gotoTime hasListener off offAll off...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

618. laya.components.Widget_API3.0 [ 49%]

...rited Externals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/components/Widget" Widget Class Widget 相对布局插件 Hierarchy Component Widget Index Constructors constructor Properties _extra _singleton owner runInEditor scriptPath EMPTY Accessors awaked bottom centerX centerY destroyed enabled hideFlags id ...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

619. laya.d3.webxr.core.WebXRSessionManager_API3.0 [ 48%]

... Menu Globals "laya/d3/WebXR/core/WebXRSessionManager" WebXRSessionManager Class WebXRSessionManager Manages an XRSession to work with layaAir engine author miner Hierarchy EventDispatcher WebXRSessionManager Index Properties baseReferenceSpace currentFrame currentTimestamp defaultHeightCompensation...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

620. laya.ui.Widget_API3.0 [ 48%]

...All Inherited Externals Only exported Menu Globals "laya/ui/Widget" Widget Class Widget 相对布局插件 Hierarchy Component Widget Index Constructors constructor Properties _extra _singleton owner runInEditor scriptPath EMPTY Accessors awaked bottom centerX centerY destroyed enabled hideFlags id ...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231102