大约有 68 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,778 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0039 秒)
... Laya.Script { constructor(){ super(); this.rotation = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.01, 0); this.point = new Laya.Vector2(); this.ray = new Laya.Ray(new Laya.Vector3(),new Laya.Vector3()); //1.开启第四个参数 let config3D = new Laya.Config3D(); config3D.isAlpha = true; Laya3D.init(0, 0, config3D); La...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200903
...Render.sharedMaterial = customMaterial; var rotation = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.01, 0); Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, null, function () { earth.transform.rotate(rotation, true); }); function initShader() { var attributeMap = { 'a_BoneIndices': Laya.VertexElementUsage.BLENDINDICES0, 'a_BoneWeights': Laya.Vert...
来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20241118
...* 0.3) { laser.alpha *= 0.9; laser.scaleY = laser.alpha; if (laser.alpha < 0.01) { lasers.splice(i, 1); Laya.stage.removeChild(laser); i--; } } } // increment the ticker tick += 1; } } } import laya.display.Sprite; class Laser extends Sprite { public var life:int; }
来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20241118
...onkey.meshRender.material.transformUV); var rotation = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.01, 0); var debugModel = false; var phasorSpriter3D = new Laya.PhasorSpriter3D(); var vertex1 = new Laya.Vector3(); var vertex2 = new Laya.Vector3(); var vertex3 = new Laya.Vector3(); var color = new Laya.Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171127
...* 0.3) { laser.alpha *= 0.9; laser.scaleY = laser.alpha; if (laser.alpha < 0.01) { lasers.splice(i, 1); Laya.stage.removeChild(laser); i--; } } } // increment the ticker tick += 1; } } } import laya.display.Sprite; class Laser extends Sprite { public var life:int; }
来源: Laya2.0_示例 发布时间: 20241118
....Camera; protected scene: Laya.Scene3D = new Laya.Scene3D; speed: number = 0.01; constructor() { super(); } /** * @private */ protected _updateRotation(): void { if (Math.abs(this.yawPitchRoll.y) < 1.50) { Laya.Quaternion.createFromYawPitchRoll(this.yawPitchRoll.x, this.yawPitchRoll.y, this.yawPi...
来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20241014
... cube: Laya.Sprite3D; private rotation: Laya.Vector3 = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.01, 0); onStart() { Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, ()=> { this.cube.transform.rotate(this.rotation, false); }); } } 效果如动图4-4所示: (动图4-4) 4.1.3 3D节点的进阶使用 @property( { type :Laya.Sprite3...
来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20241014
...。 对于非常光滑的表面(如冰面),摩擦系数可能接近0.01;对于日常生活中的接触表面,如橡胶与干燥路面,摩擦系数可能在0.1到1之间;动图12-2演示了不同摩擦系数的效果。 (动图12-2) 3.2.3 恢复系数 restitution 恢复系数是描...
来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20241014