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大约有 154 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,724 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0034 秒)

81. 区块地图-PerspectiveWall [ 64%]

...ive_walls.json", new Rectangle(0, 0, Laya.stage.width, Laya.stage.height), null); } } new TiledMap_PerspectiveWall();module laya { import Stage = Laya.Stage; import TiledMap = Laya.TiledMap; import Rectangle = Laya.Rectangle; import Browser = Laya.Browser; import WebGL = Laya.WebGL; export class Til...

来源: Laya2.0_示例 发布时间: 20241002

82. 鼠标交互-自定义事件 [ 64%]

...vent.CLICK, this, onSpriteClick); } private function onSpriteClick(e:Event=null):void { var randomAngle:int = Math.random() * 180; //发送自定义事件 sp.event(ROTATE, [randomAngle]); } // 触发自定义的rotate事件 private function onRotate(newAngle:int):void { Tween.to(sp, {"rotation" : ne...

来源: Laya2.0_示例 发布时间: 20241002

83. 区块地图-带动画的地图 [ 64%]

...movelayer.json", new Rectangle(0, 0, Laya.stage.width, Laya.stage.height), null); } })();module laya { import Stage = Laya.Stage; import TiledMap = Laya.TiledMap; import Rectangle = Laya.Rectangle; import WebGL = Laya.WebGL; export class TiledMap_AnimationTile { private tiledMap: TiledMap; construct...

来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20241002

84. 灯光-聚光 [ 64%]

...ar animator = aniSprite3d.getComponentByType(Laya.Animator); animator.play(null, 1.0, 115, 150); }); var _quaternion = new Laya.Quaternion(); var _position = new Laya.Vector3(); Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, null, function () { Laya.Quaternion.createFromYawPitchRoll(0.025, 0, 0, _quaternion); Laya.Vector3...

来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20241002

85. 区块地图-带动画的地图 [ 64%]

...ayer.json", new Laya.Rectangle(0, 0, Laya.stage.width, Laya.stage.height), null); } } new TiledMap_AnimationTile();module laya { import Stage = Laya.Stage; import TiledMap = Laya.TiledMap; import Rectangle = Laya.Rectangle; import WebGL = Laya.WebGL; export class TiledMap_AnimationTile { private til...

来源: Laya2.0_示例 发布时间: 20241002

86. 特效LOADED监听不到 [ 63%]

...效LOADED监听不到 能给具体点吗新手 ani.once(Laya.Event.LOADED,null,function(ani1){ console.log(ani1.getGraphicBounds()); }); 这样写的话监听不到 现在引擎支持下载功能吗??? 2017-06-28 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170628

87. Laya2自动同步cullingMask方案以及灯光裁剪补丁 [ 63%]

...= layerStr.substr(1); } let layer = this._layerMap[layerStr]; if(layer === null || layer === undefined){ console.log(layerNodeName + ' don not match the rule of layer node.'); return; } if(bRemove){ this.removeLayer(target,layer); } else{ this.addLayer(target,layer); } } } } public static removeAllL...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200110

88. socket大型项目回调 [ 62%]

...r = 500; private RES_OLD_CLIENT:number = 501; private socket:Laya.Socket = null; private callbacks:any = {}; private handlers:any = {}; // Map from request id to route private routeMap = {}; private heartbeatInterval:number = 0; private heartbeatTimeout:number = 0; private nextHeartbeatTimeout:numbe...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180119

89. 缓动 · LayaAir3.0文档 · LAYABOX [ 62%]

...*/ static from(target: any, props: any, duration: number, ease: Function = null, complete: Handler = null, delay: number = 0, coverBefore: boolean = false, autoRecover: boolean = true): Tween { return Pool.getItemByClass("tween", Tween)._create(target, props, duration, ease, complete, delay, coverBe...

来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20230726

90. Laya.loader.create 进度回调函数执行两次 [ 61%]

...er.create(this,this.on3DComplete),Laya.Handler.create(this,this.onProgress,null,false)); Manager.prototype.onProgress = function(value) { console.log("value=="+Math.floor(value*100)+"%"); }   输出结果: 0.19186599730944645 0.5251993306427798 1 0.5002049180327869 0.5626793032786885 0.6251536885...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180619