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大约有 974 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,934 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0054 秒)

1. runtime运行报错! [ 100%]

runtime运行报错! 今天根据教程设置runtime,发现怎么都会抛出异常,核对操作步骤,没发现什么问题。只好开始跟踪代码,发现laya.ui.js里代码如下:  View.getCompInstance=function(json){       var runtime=json.props ? json.props.runtime :"";     ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20160913

2. Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms [ 99%]

Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms 运行调试时出现:Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Can’t find a target that matches:file:///…/bin/index.html. available pages:  [“chrome newtab”])。MAC系统,LayaAirIDE_1.7.6版本。关...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170629

3. Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the [ 99%]

Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the 附件 : --> 2017-07-05 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 已邀请: 与...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170705

4. Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms [ 98%]

Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms 我使用的layaari的 模拟器 运行  目前进去 就会 闪退 Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Can't attach to this target that may have Chrome DevTools attached - file:///E:/xxxxxxx/bin/index.html)...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170613

5. Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms [ 98%]

Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms 参照例子新建了一个TS项目,可以用layaair调试,但无法使用chrome调试。报错: Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the target: undefined).   1.已经试过任务管...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170427

6. Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms [ 98%]

Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the target: connect ETIMEDOUT 启动运行几秒后就报这个错,逻辑全部删除同意报错,端口号改了同样报这个错...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170509

7. 性能优化和runtime的使用有关系吗? [ 97%]

性能优化和runtime的使用有关系吗? 在1g的红米手机上做性能优化时, 1 开启了资源自动释放功能(ResourceManager.currentResourceManager.autoRelease = true)并且设置了最大值; 2 重绘的情况也没有问题,但是还是有点卡   看别人的项目没...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170810

8. runTime使用(JavaScript-IDE篇(JS)-组件化开发相关) [ 97%]

# runTime的使用 推荐阅读视频教程,有关LayaAir脚本与Runtime开发的系统全面讲解与实战介绍 脚本组件课链接: [https://ke.qq.com/course/427324](https://ke.qq.com/course/427324 ) UI与场景编辑、组件化开发、屏幕适配与抗锯齿的合集课程链接:[ht...

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715

9. conch.config.getUsedMem() 安卓包中 定时运行报错 [ 97%]

...: 报错如下03-22 13:52:03.749 15130-15218/com.xmvigor.shyxcs A/art: art/runtime/indirect_reference_table.cc:113] JNI ERROR (app bug): local reference table overflow (max=512) 03-22 13:52:03.749 15130-15218/com.xmvigor.shyxcs A/art: art/runtime/indirect_reference_table.cc:113] local reference tabl...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180322

10. 构建app闪退,测试app扫码可以运行 [ 97%]

...了。    2019-03-15 08:45:13.438 8214-8265/com.layabox.hello A/art: art/runtime/java_vm_ext.cc:470] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal continuation byte 0x7c 2019-03-15 08:45:13.438 8214-8265/com.layabox.hello A/art: art/runtime/java_vm_ext.cc:470]    ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190315