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大约有 188 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,935 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0069 秒)

161. beta 背景音乐在舞台失焦和静音状态下可能导致的无法播放的异常问题! [ 40%]

...anager._tMusic){ // if (SoundManager._musicMuted)return null; }else { if (Render.isConchApp){ var ext=Utils.getFileExtension(url); if (ext !="wav" && ext !="ogg"){ alert("The sound only supports wav or ogg format,for optimal performance reason,please refer to the official website document.")...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180709

162. 网格像素线 · LayaAir3.3 · 引擎文档 · LAYABOX [ 39%]

...一个空的3D精灵节点,并添加了像素线渲染器(Pixel Line Renderer)组件,我们来了解一下像素线渲染器组件的信息 2.2 属性设置 如图2-2所示,像素线渲染器有如下的属性 (图2-2) 由于 Pixel Line Renderer 组件是继承自 Base Renderer 组件...

来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20250103

163. lib/arm/liblayaair.so 总是崩溃 [ 38%]

... 08-14 10:57:49.131 3084-3555/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0xaad8e188) throttle end: throttle time(29)          --------- beginning of crash 08-14 10:57:49.222 22858-22354/? A/google-breakpad: -----BEGIN BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----     V WebView:55.0.2883.91 08-14 10:57:49.223 22858-22354/? A/google-b...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180814

164. 如何启用摇一摇 [ 38%]

...last_z) / diffTime * 600'); __JS__('if (speed > SHAKE_THRESHOLD)_model.sendMoney = speed;//将得到的摇晃速度发送到 _model}}'); } } }    最后layabox会转换成如下   //class controller.Controller_yao1yao var Controller_yao1yao=(function(){ function Controller_yao1yao(model){ /*_...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20160110

165. 3d项目-unity添加物理组件 layanative2 打包android平台 报错 btCollisionObject undefined [ 38%]

.../laya.physics3D.js") // loadLib("libs/laya.physics3D.wasm.js") //-----libs-end------- //-----self-libs----- loadLib("libs/common/Tool.js") loadLib("libs/common/CameraMoveScript.js") loadLib("js/bundle.js"); 测试安卓平台打包异常   具体日志  10-15 16:43:46.702: I/LayaBox(3503): alert=...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181015

166. laya.utils.PerfHUD [ 36%]

...Bounds方法获取。设置为true,对性能有一定影响。 Sprite blendMode : String指定要使用的混合模式。目前只支持"lighter"。Sprite cacheAs : String 指定显示对象是否缓存为静态图像,cacheAs时,子对象发生变化,会自动重新缓存,同时也可以...

来源: Laya2.0_api 发布时间: 20190513

167. [LayaAir3]LayaAir3.0UnityPlugin 导出出错 [ 35%]

...r: Invalid GUILayout state in LayaAir3D view. Verify that all layout Begin/End calls match UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)  MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'SkinnedMeshRenderer' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. Your script should eit...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20240111

168. laya.device.media.Video_API3.0 [ 33%]

...ORT_PROBABLY WEBM drawtocanvCtx Accessors active activeInHierarchy alpha blendMode buffered cacheAs components currentSrc currentTime customRenderEnable destroyed displayHeight displayWidth displayedInStage drawCallOptimize duration ended error filters globalRotation globalScaleX globalScaleY graphi...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231102

169. laya.media.VideoNode_API3.0 [ 32%]

... _isHeightSet _isWidthSet active activeInHierarchy alpha anchorX anchorY blendMode buffered cacheAs components currentSrc currentTime customRenderEnable destroyed displayHeight displayWidth displayedInStage drawCallOptimize duration ended error filters globalRotation globalScaleX globalScaleY graphi...

来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115

170. [LayaNative3]2d示例程序构建发布打包后,在OpenHarmony运行闪退 [ 31%]

... data/local/tmp/a8cdde5615e44ded8e1065458d8e3917 17:14:34.282: $ hdc file send /Users/HonestQiao/Documents/Laya/LayaProject1/release/harmony/LayaProject1/entry/build/default/outputs/default/entry-default-signed.hap "data/local/tmp/a8cdde5615e44ded8e1065458d8e3917" in 2 s 190 ms 17:14:36.353: $ hdc s...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20250106