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大约有 196 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,724 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0042 秒)

171. UI-Tree [ 49%]

..."Box", "props": {"name": "render", "right": "0", "left": "0"}}; class Item extends Box { constructor() { super(); this.right = 0; this.left = 0; var selectBox: Clip = new Clip("../../res/ui/tree/clip_selectBox.png", 1, 2); selectBox.name = "selectBox";//设置 selectBox 的name 为“selectBox”时...

来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20241002

172. Laya多点触控是有开关吗 为什么多点触控没有任何反应 [ 48%]

....addChild(this.text); } } //激活启动类 new Main(); class MonkeyScript extends Laya.Script3D{     constructor(){         super();         this.scene = null;         this.text = null;         this.camera = null;         this.lastPosition = new Laya.Vect...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190531

173. HttpRequest详解(TypeScript-LayaAir基础篇(TS)-数据与通信) [ 48%]

...一个简单的继承的示范: ```typescript class HttpRequestExtension extends Laya.HttpRequest { constructor() { super(); } public send(url:string,data:any=null,method:string="get", responseType:string="text", headers:any=null):void{ super.send(url,data,method,responseType,headers); this._http....

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715

174. 学会编写d.ts声明文件(TypeScript-IDE篇(TS)-代码模式基础) [ 48%]

...interface IOctreeOptions { root: Octree; aabb: AABB; } export class Octree extends OctreeNode { maxDepth: number; constructor(aabb: AABB, options: IOctreeOptions); aabbQuery(aabb: AABB, result: Object[]): Object[]; insert(aabb: AABB, elementData: Object): boolean; rayQuery(ray: Ray, treeTransform: T...

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715

175. HttpRequest详解(ActionScript-LayaAir基础篇(AS3)-数据与通信) [ 48%]

...a package { import laya.net.HttpRequest; public class HttpRequestExtension extends HttpRequest { public function HttpRequestExtension() { super(); } public override function send(url:String, data:*=null, method:String="get", responseType:String="text", headers:Array=null):void { super.send(url,data,...

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715

176. Cannot read property 'rayCast' of undefined [ 48%]

...annot read property 'rayCast' of undefined export default class indexscene extends Laya.Script { constructor(){ super(); this.rotation = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.01, 0); this.point = new Laya.Vector2(); this.ray = new Laya.Ray(new Laya.Vector3(),new Laya.Vector3()); //1.开启第四个参数 let config...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200903

177. 发现bug,update大问题!!!!!!!!! 2.13版本 [ 48%]

...t"; import UIMain from "../ui/Game/UIMain";  export default class GameWnd extends BaseWin {     public view: UIMain;     /** 角色 */     private character: Laya.Sprite     /** 角色刚体*/     private rig: Laya.RigidBody     /** 医疗包*/     private addhp: Laya.Sprite     /**...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20221207

178. 使用3D精灵 · LayaAir3.0文档 · LAYABOX [ 47%]

...t { regClass, property } = Laya; @regClass() export class CameraMoveScript extends Laya.Script3D { /** @private */ protected _tempVector3: Laya.Vector3 = new Laya.Vector3(); protected lastMouseX: number = 0; protected lastMouseY: number = 0; protected yawPitchRoll: Laya.Vector3 = new Laya.Vector3();...

来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20240624

179. webgl 下当对象子显示对象存在panel且panel有子集时,旋转此显示对象会导致此显示对象的同级对象消失!(1.7.10beta) [ 47%]

...d消失 parent.child_1.rotation = Math.random() * 180; } } class ChildView extends ui.ChildViewUI{ constructor(){ super(); var panel = new Laya.Panel(); panel.pos(0,0); panel.size(200,50); this.addChild(panel); var panelChild = new Laya.Sprite(); panelChild.pos(0,0); panelChild.size(200,50); panel.a...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170829

180. 描边Shader,使用了两个Pass [ 47%]

...截图如下:   核心代码如下 export default class OutlineMaterial extends Laya.BaseMaterial { constructor() { super() var attributeMap = { 'a_Position': Laya.VertexMesh.MESH_POSITION0, 'a_Normal': Laya.VertexMesh.MESH_NORMAL0, 'a_Texcoord': Laya.VertexMesh.MESH_TEXTURECOORDINATE0, } var uni...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180925