大约有 585 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,779 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0052 秒)
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...Very long string[28528381]>,encodingOrOffset=216041A1 <undefined>,length=216041A1 <undefined>) 3: arguments ad... 附件 : --> 2019-12-25 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 已邀请: 与内容相关的链接 提交 3 个回复 君昊 赞...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20191225
...dy_impl(render, body); for (var i = 1; i < body.parts.length; i++) { LayaRender.body(render, body.parts); } } 备注: 由于comp是组合body,其本身也是body,LayaRender.Body在初始化此comp body时会...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180625
... persent); if (this.targets != null) { for (let i = 0; i < this.targets.length; i++) { if (this.targets[i] != null) { this.targets[i].filters = [newTargetColorFilter]; } } } } public setPersent(persent: number) { this._persent = persent; } public get persent(): number { return this._persent; ...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180930
... keyframeNodeOwner.indexInList = this._keyframeNodeOwners.length; keyframeNodeOwner.referenceCount = 1; keyframeNodeOwner.propertyOwner = propertyOwner; keyframeNodeOwner.nodePath = node.nodePath; keyframeNodeOw...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20240517
...ler: Laya.Handler = null, ...args): void { if (this.mUrl.length == 0) { console.warn("netconnection url is null"); return; } //生成请求和事件监听并放入对象池 var req...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20161109
...ode - Billboard - Stretched Billboard 1. Camera Scale 2. Velocity Scale 3. Length Scale - Horizontal Billboard - Vertical Billboard - Mesh 2. Sorting Fudge
来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20200822
...ty = 1); (cache === void 0) && (cache = true); var itemCount = arr.length; var loadedCount = 0; var totalSize = 0; var items = ; var success = true; for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { var item = arr[i]; if ((typeof item == 'string')) item = {url: item, type: type, size: 1, priority: pr...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20171226
...reset setByMatrix setColor _filter DELTA_INDEX GRAY_MATRIX IDENTITY_MATRIX LENGTH Legend Class Class with type parameter Constructor Property Method Object literal Variable Function Type alias Enumeration Interface
来源: Laya3.0_api 发布时间: 20231115
...th = 200; div.style.color = "#black"; for(let i=0; i<FaceView.faceArray.length; i++) { txt = txt.replace(FaceView.repl,'<img src="res/face/face'+i+'.png" style="width:36px;height:36px;position:relative;top:30px;"></img>'); } div.pos(30,5); div.innerHTML = txt; div.width = div.contextW...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170911
...do something with message // If your application uses length-delimited buffers, there is also encodeDelimited and decodeDelimited. } } } new GameMain(); 4、最后在控制台输出: AwesomeMessage {awesomeField: "AwesomeString"} 2017-11-01 2 2 分...
来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20170216