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大约有 20 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,897 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0039 秒)

1. 微信小游戏运行导出项目的时候报错:Scene: the .lh file root type must be Scene [ 100%]

...(); Laya.stage.addChild(this._scene); var camera:Laya.Camera = this._scene.getChildByName("Main Camera") as Laya.Camera; camera.addComponent(CameraMoveScript); var tiger:Laya.Sprite3D = this._scene.getChildByName("tiger_idle") as Laya.Sprite3D; console.log(tiger); var animator:La...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180317

2. rigidBody.applyForce 物体不会移动 [ 99%]

...(scene); //添加方向光 var directionlight: Laya.DirectionLight = scene.getChildByName( "Directional Light" ) as Laya.DirectionLight; this.directionlight = directionlight; //加入子層人物腳色到舞台 var littleGirl: Laya.Sprite3D = scene.getChildByName( "Girl" ) as Laya.Sprite3D; scene.ad...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20200917

3. 发射射线检测不到,物体有包围盒 [ 99%]

...     self.owner.addChild(scene3d);              var lv = scene3d.getChildByName("--- GAMEPLAY ---").getChildByName("Levels Parent");              // Laya.Sprite3D.load("res/prefabs/Conventional/prefabs.lh", Laya.Handler.create(null, function (sp) {                        ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20220506

4. 我竟然被射线检测这个小功能给难了一天了 [ 98%]

...) physics:Laya.PhysicsSimulation; onAwake():void{ this.camera = this.owner.getChildByName("Main Camera") as Laya.Camera; let scene: Laya.Scene3D = this.owner.scene as Laya.Scene3D;   this.physics=scene.physicsSimulation;     console.log("相机位置",(this.owner.getChildByName("Main Camera") as ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190621

5. 加载.lh文件 运行后黑屏 无法显示 [ 97%]

...er.parent as Laya.Scene3D;         this._text = this._scene.parent.getChildByName("ceshi") as Laya.Text;         this._camera = this._scene.getChildByName("camera") as Laya.Camera; } onUpdate(){ var touchCount = this._scene.input.touchCount();         if (1 === touchCount){ ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190531

6. (实现手指控制模型的缩放旋转)触控可以识别 但是导入的模型没有根据触控反应 [ 95%]

...er.parent as Laya.Scene3D;         this._text = this._scene.parent.getChildByName("ceshi") as Laya.Text;         this._camera = this._scene.getChildByName("camera") as Laya.Camera; } onUpdate(){ var touchCount = this._scene.input.touchCount();         if (1 === touchCount){ ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190605

7. viewportPointToRay产生的射线始终有偏差,是为什么? [ 93%]

... this._phasorSpriter3D = new PhasorSpriter3D(); this._camera = this._owner.getChildByName("Camera") as Camera; } public _postRenderUpdate(state:RenderState):void { super._update(state); this._point.elements[0] = Laya.stage.mouseX; this._point.elements[1] = Laya.stage.mouseY; this._camera.viewportPoi...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180201

8. 如何获取unity导出的摄像机 [ 92%]

如何获取unity导出的摄像机 var camera = scene.getChildByName("Main Camera");获取不到摄像机   附件 : --> 2018-08-07 添加评论 免费帖 --> 分享 微博 QZONE 微信 没有找到相关结果 已邀请: 与内容相关的链接 提交 3 个回复 Laya_Aaron 赞同来自: 你场...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180807

9. Laya多点触控是有开关吗 为什么多点触控没有任何反应 [ 91%]

...s.scene = this.owner.parent;         this.text = this.scene.parent.getChildByName("ceshi");         this.camera = this.scene.getChildByName("camera");     }     onUpdate(){         let touchCount = this.scene.input.touchCount();         if (1 === touchCount){ ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190531

10. 射线检测报错,outHitInfo.sprite3D=null; [ 90%]

...load(owner : any):void{ this.scene = owner; this.camera = this.scene.scene.getChildByName("Main Camera") as Laya.Camera; console.log("当前摄像机的名字是:" + this.camera.name); }  public _start(state:Laya.RenderState):void{ this.ray = new Laya.Ray(Laya.Vector3.ZERO,Laya.Vector3.ZERO); thi...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181020