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大约有 189 项符合查询结果, 库内数据总量为 30,724 项。 (搜索耗时: 0.0039 秒)

11. PBRStandardMaterial材质详解(TypeScript-3D基础(TS)-模型材质详解) [ 90%]

...rdMaterial.SmoothnessSource_MetallicGlossTexture_Alpha; var barrel = scene.getChildByName("Wooden_Barrel") as Laya.MeshSprite3D; var barrel1 = scene.getChildByName("Wooden_Barrel (1)") as Laya.MeshSprite3D; var barrel2 = scene.getChildByName("Wooden_Barrel (2)") as Laya.MeshSprite3D; var barrel3 = s...

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210714

12. PBRStandardMaterial材质详解(ActionScript-3D基础(AS3)-模型材质详解) [ 89%]

...oothnessSource_MetallicGlossTexture_Alpha; var barrel:MeshSprite3D = scene.getChildByName("Wooden_Barrel") as MeshSprite3D; var barrel1:MeshSprite3D = scene.getChildByName("Wooden_Barrel (1)") as MeshSprite3D; var barrel2:MeshSprite3D = scene.getChildByName("Wooden_Barrel (2)") as MeshSprite3D; var ...

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210714

13. 微信小游戏运行导出项目的时候报错:Scene: the .lh file root type must be Scene [ 89%]

...(); Laya.stage.addChild(this._scene); var camera:Laya.Camera = this._scene.getChildByName("Main Camera") as Laya.Camera; camera.addComponent(CameraMoveScript); var tiger:Laya.Sprite3D = this._scene.getChildByName("tiger_idle") as Laya.Sprite3D; console.log(tiger); var animator:La...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180317

14. 3D寻路 · LayaAir3.0文档 · LAYABOX [ 86%]

...{ var str: string = "path" + i; this.path.push(((<MeshSprite3D>scene.getChildByName('Scenes').getChildByName('Area').getChildByName(str))).transform.localPosition); } } 四、角色移动 角色移动,实际上就是在间隔很短的时间内,改变角色的位置。在我们的示例中...

来源: Laya3.0_文档 发布时间: 20230303

15. 我竟然被射线检测这个小功能给难了一天了 [ 85%]

...) physics:Laya.PhysicsSimulation; onAwake():void{ this.camera = this.owner.getChildByName("Main Camera") as Laya.Camera; let scene: Laya.Scene3D = this.owner.scene as Laya.Scene3D;   this.physics=scene.physicsSimulation;     console.log("相机位置",(this.owner.getChildByName("Main Camera") as ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190621

16. 针对2.0.0 beta5 setLoadingPage 做增强 [ 84%]

...// 预加载loadPage let loadPage = new LoadPage() loadPage.preload() this.getChildByName('text').on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, function () { // 切换打开场景方式 查看效果不同 loadPage.openScene('page2.scene', this.getUserInfo, true, [1, 2, 3]) // loadPage.openScene2('page2.scene', this.ge...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20181124

17. 资源加载(JavaScript-3D基础(JS)-LayaAir3D之资源加载) [ 84%]

...Scene3d Laya.stage.addChild(scene); //获取摄像机 var camera = scene.getChildByName("Main Camera"); //清除摄像机的标记 camera.clearFlag = Laya.BaseCamera.CLEARFLAG_SKY; //添加光照 var directionLight = scene.addChild(new Laya.DirectionLight()); directionLight.color = new Laya.Vector3(...

来源: Laya2.0_文档 发布时间: 20210715

18. 高级应用-渲染纹理 [ 83%]

...dler.create(this, onComplete)); function onComplete() { setMaterials(scene.getChildByName("scene")); layaPlane.transform.localPosition = new Laya.Vector3(0, 0.5, -1); Laya.loader.load(["../../res/threeDimen/ui/button.png"], Laya.Handler.create(null, function () { var changeActionButton = Laya.stage....

来源: Laya_示例 发布时间: 20240930

19. 列表里的元素可以播放动画吗 [ 82%]

...更改单元格属性              var hero:Image = cell.getChildByName("hero")as Image;//根据名字查找要更改的单元格              hero.disabled = HostData.array[index].hero;//属性更改              var ani :Animation = cell.getChildByN...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20180503

20. 加载.lh文件 运行后黑屏 无法显示 [ 82%]

...er.parent as Laya.Scene3D;         this._text = this._scene.parent.getChildByName("ceshi") as Laya.Text;         this._camera = this._scene.getChildByName("camera") as Laya.Camera; } onUpdate(){ var touchCount = this._scene.input.touchCount();         if (1 === touchCount){ ...

来源: Laya_社区 发布时间: 20190531